COMPASS Consultants Corporation
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Ron McKenzie - Architect. Author. Advisor.
"COMPASS Consultants Can 
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PEER FACILITATION is offered by COMPASS Consultants and BD4AEC.ORG. The sole purpose is to develop and manage the peer groups for construction professionals. BD PEERS is an approved Peer Group Management Company for PDCA. We also facilitate the General Contractor Peer Group, known as the BD Peer Group.
BD Peer Group Services
BD4AEC's goal is to create the environment for the peer group to be successful. 
A facilitator, who is familiar with construction, is the primary pivot point; they manage and develop the agenda, secure the location and communicate through BD4AEC to the group members. The facilitator then leads the meeting and keeps the group focused on the agenda and current and future goals. Included in the peer group is an extensive core curriculum, such as financial benchmarking, strategic planning, business planning, marketing and financial statements, to name a few. As the peer group develops, they take on their own personality, which guides the facilitators in inviting guest presenters to address specific group needs. There is individual accountability, as each member leaves the meeting with a TO DO list of items to accomplish based upon the comments from the peer group members. At the next meeting several months later, each member's TO DO list is reviewed as part of the sharing process. The 'what happened" or "what didn't happen" kinds of discussion occur that focus even more on the issues.  It’s the best Board of Directors ever.

At the end of the all day meeting, everyone meets for dinner to enjoy the evening and continue the conversation. Besides the annual fee, peer group members share in the cost of each meeting, including meeting room and expenses, food, dinner, and any other costs (excluding alcohol). Average expense per meeting is $350 to $750 dollars. Each member pays for his or her own travel and hotel expenses.
Click this link to find out about BD Peers - a NEW General Contracting Peer Group that is now forming.
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"Meetings, Site VIsits, and More Meetings!"

Construction Peer Group Corporation