COMPASS Consultants Corporation
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Ron McKenzie - Architect. Author. Advisor.
"COMPASS Consultants Can 
Help Point You in the 
Right Direction"
COMPASS Consultants and CPGC is proud of the work we do and would like to share these testimonials. These testimonials are from Ron's business planning clients, peer group members, speaking engagements, and seminars that Ron McKenzie and Larry Silver conducted.
Wes Hamilton, CPM, Indianapolis
"The first 30 minutes paid for all costs of the seminar."
Anthony Hernandez, Meridian Commercial Systems, Dallas TX
"Presentations were well thought out and easy to follow. The most important aspect of the seminar is that it's specific to the construction industry."
Frank Zubricki, President, Professional Drywall & Decorating
“Ron’s key attribute was the ability to provide an unbiased look at our operation from a business perspective. At a critical time in the growth of the company, Ron took a firm stance on developing a management team for the Chicago operation, and then he facilitated that team in identifying the issues and risks my division was facing. Then, responsibilities were assigned to my managers and the progress tracked over a five-year period. It allowed me, as president to have someone to bounce ideas off of that was not tied to the day-to-day operations. Some marketing programs were eliminated at his direction and the result was it saved me a considerable amount of money that was then channeled into marketing programs that produced a response. His intervention and taking on the responsibilities as over-seeing the business planning function freed up my time which I used to investigate programs that identified our true costs. Ron’s contribution was invaluable. If you want to grow your company, then use him. You won’t be sorry.”
Timothy Robertson, CEO, Century Construction
"Joining a construction peer group is the very best business decision you can make. I've never gone to a meeting that I didn't come back to the office recharged. I share with others, and bring home ideas and concepts that can help me to make better decisions, launch new programs and address issues that impact the bottom line. These are must-attend meetings."
Some Companies Didn't Want Their Competition To Know They Used Ron McKenzie for Their Planning...He Became Their Strategic Advantage...
CM General Contractor, San Francisco, California
Construction Manger, Salt Lake City, Utah
"We kept putting off our business planning until one day I heard Ron speak at a seminar. I called him and he came in and explained his simple approach to solving certain issues we had, and set up a planning methodology that works. Today, our competition is taking notice."
"I had a transition issue, and when I talked to Ron privately, he set a plan in motion that addressed my concerns. I am now more comfortable with our long-term strategy and my exit plan."
"I haven't gone to a meeting that I didn't come back to the office recharged."
"It's better than any seminar I have ever attended."
"If I have a problem, I know I can take it to the peer group meeting, and someone there will have already have had the same problem. I outline the problem and the group discusses it and offers suggestions. It's the very best advice one can get."
Subcontractor, Madison, Wisconsin
General Contractor and Facility Manager, Boston, Massachusetts
Facility Manager, Illinois